Episode 8: Can You Really Run an Ethical, Anti-capitalist, Non-manipulative Business?

In this thought-provoking conversation, Tristan and Brooke dive into the complexities of claiming to run an "anti-capitalist" and "ethical" business. What do these terms actually mean, and how are they being used in today’s discourse? Is capitalism becoming a catch-all term to describe everything broken in our systems? This episode unpacks the nuance of these claims and discusses the implications of using the language of resistance without deep engagement with the systems at play.

Rather than opting out of capitalism—a system we are all entangled in—this conversation explores what it means to work within and against the system simultaneously. Brooke and Tristan critique how terms like "capitalism," "late-stage capitalism," and "anti-capitalism" are often used without specificity, serving as a surface-level virtue signal rather than a call to real, actionable change.

Key discussion points:

  • The importance of precise language when critiquing capitalism and business ethics.

  • Why vague claims of anti-capitalism can sometimes be a form of bypassing deeper systemic analysis.

  • The impossibility of truly "opting out" of capitalism and what ethical business practices might look like within the system.

  • How business owners can meaningfully engage with systemic change while still running a sustainable business.

Mentions & Resources:


  • Visit joinfruition.com for more programs and resources, including the upcoming FREE workshop, Instagram: Stay or Go? Navigating Marketing Beyond Social Media on Friday, March 28th

  • And of course, you can also get more info about Brooke and Tristan on their websites: brooke-monaghan.com and katz-creative.com

Call to Action:
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+ Episode Transcript


Episode 7: How to Grow Your Work with Networking & Collaborations