Support for people who work for themselves.

8 in 10 business owners work for themselves for lifestyle benefits like a flexible schedule and creative freedom. But the narrative, support, and programming for business owners doesn’t reflect that. This leaves the majority of ordinary business owners on their own to find support. Fruition Growth Network was founded to change that.

We seek to solve 3 core problems…

Marketing over quality support

Taking to the internet to find business support leads you to the people who are best at marketing, not necessarily the right person for the job. We are creating a platform to help business owners find quality support specific to their needs and a place for support folks to be found. We want to see those doing great work able to focus more on what they do and less on digital marketing.

Financial inaccessibility

Service providers and coaches deserve to be well paid, but the small business owners who need them most are operating on a tight budget. Though financial support like grants are available, most people don't know where to find them or how to apply. We are working on creative solutions that bring quality support to business owners on a low cost and no cost basis.

Exclusionary platforming

When it comes to platform opportunities, it’s all about who you know and what you’ve already done. That leaves folks who don't know the right people at a major disadvantage when getting their foot in the door. We plan on using our platform to highlight the work of folks who are not getting the opportunities they are well qualified for.

How we are making it happen

Fruition Growth Network is young, quietly launching in the fall of 2023. We are currently focusing on creating a platform with high-quality content, training, and resources for small business owners. We have big dreams for future programming, and establishing a listenership for our podcast and readership on our website is essential to drawing the funding that we are seeking to bring the full vision to life. With that, we are working on establishing that foundation while also connecting people with each other and the support they need most - whether it is information, community, or a platform to reach more people.

More about our future plans

[In the future] Sliding scale business development programming

Small business owners will get a coach who will help them identify specifically what support they need. We will then match them with vetted service providers to help them execute. Fruition will use our grant and sponsorship dollars to pay the coaches and service providers in full while offering the program on a sliding scale to participants, based on need.

[In the future] Thought leadership development programming

We will match experts, coaches, and service providers who are great at what they do with the support to craft their ideas into engaging talks, trainings, or articles. We will then feature that work on our platform, providing it for free to our community, and teach them how to successfully pitch their work to other platforms.

[In the future] Paid contribution opportunities

Experts who do not qualify for our free thought leadership development program can still submit their work to be featured on our platform and will be paid for their contributions if their work is a fit. We will be intentional about who we say yes to, prioritizing those who are doing quality work but are struggling to be seen and heard in the industry.

[In the future] FREE and accessible data and research

Millions of dollars in public money go into small business research every year. We want to partner with research institutions studying small business and make their findings easy to understand and free to those in the business development industry, helping them operate on the most up-to-date information available.

About us

Brooke Monaghan, Founder & CEO


Brooke Monaghan has forever been fascinated by the people who go out on their own and finally did so herself in 2019, establishing her consulting business. After transitioning into business and leadership coaching she witnessed first hand the uphill battle that online business owners are facing trying to grow their work in the current digital landscape.

Sick of helping her clients navigate a broken system, Brooke set out to create a solution and started Fruition Growth Network with contributions from her own clients and people who helped her along the way. Her current mission is to use the first phase of this platform as a way to get the work of these founding contributors in front of as many people as possible, and providing quality support for her community.

You can learn more about Brooke’s work here.

Tristan Katz, COO & Dir. of Programming


Tristan has been working with entrepreneurs since they were a teenager. As a writer, educator, and consultant, they are dedicated to empowering service-based business owners with culturally competent marketing strategies and LGBTQ+ Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Belonging (DEIB) training and consulting. Tristan’s clients are at the forefront of creating more access and inclusion in the yoga industry and beyond, with social media audiences of 20k and above; many of them have been featured in NPR, the New York Times, NBC, and USA Today, and have worked with companies like Google, the Met, and TikTok.

As a longtime student of social movements and social justice, Tristan’s work centers on values-focused marketing, the exploration of power and privilege, and the intersection between solidarity and entrepreneurship.

You can learn more about Tristan’s work here.

Partner with Fruition Growth Network

Fruition depends on your support. If you are interested in partnering with or sponsoring us, please email hello [at] joinfruition [dot] com.