Back to All Events FRUIT: Celebrate + Shift Tuesday, February 20, 2024 10:00 AM 12:00 PM Google Calendar ICS For FRUIT membersFRUIT is a small, intensive, group coaching and mentorship space with coach and founder Brooke Monaghan (she/her). In this monthly call, we will celebrate your wins, share what is working, and identify what you would like to shift next month.See if you’re a fit for FRUIT
FRUIT: Celebrate + Shift Tuesday, February 20, 2024 10:00 AM 12:00 PM Google Calendar ICS For FRUIT membersFRUIT is a small, intensive, group coaching and mentorship space with coach and founder Brooke Monaghan (she/her). In this monthly call, we will celebrate your wins, share what is working, and identify what you would like to shift next month.See if you’re a fit for FRUIT